Guild and Alliance



The Flaming Swords was set up in January of 2006 by Peter and Amy.

The guild was started after Peter had tried several guilds and after asking different questions and being answered with "Noob, don't you know or find out yourself etc" he got a little fed up and decided to set his own guild up. About this time his real life girlfriend Amy started playing the game so he quickly recruited her into the guild and between them they raised the money for a cape, then a hall, deciding between them the design of cape and what guildhall suited what they wanted the guild to represent. After visiting all the guild halls at the time the Wizard's Isle was chosen to be the home and base of operations for The Flaming Swords, as it offered that homely feel, and defensive structure that summed up what The Flaming Swords was all about. An extended family with jokes, one liners and general horse-play. Most weekends find us having a pick on guild member day where one member is the subject of all jokes and mocking this is meet with good spirit and everyone who's online joins in, no-one takes this personally, as it is all done in the spirit of fun but it is closely moderated by the online officers who quickly step in and stop it if it gets too far out of hand or starts to break the simple rules we have in the guild about BULLYING,SEXISM and RACISM, Which all result in ONE warning then termination of guild membership if it continues.

When the guildhall upgrades came out Peter and Amy set about getting the funds to upgrade the hall fully. This was achieved after a few months with no money input by the other members of the guild.

The guild has slowly grown in size to the number it has today. At first look it may seem like an inactive guild but that's because the majority of the members have full time jobs or are at uni, we have a core group of people who play on a daily basis and will always help other members or other player's in guild wars. Most of the officers having completed all the chapter's or nearly completing them we have all areas and sections of the game covered. Peter and Amy also keep a permanent character in pre so we can help new members out there as well and get them started in the game.

Leader: The Sister Of Hell/Hells Own Son

Officers: Yummy Mummy Of Two, Commander Alpha